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Das Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.


Das Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. umfasst folgende Institute

  • Institut für Makromolekulare Chemie
  • Institut Physikalische Chemie und Physik der Polymere
  • Institut Polymerwerkstoffe
  • Institut Biofunktionelle Polymerwerkstoffe
  • Bereich Forschungstechnik


Im Netzwerk Funktionelle Oberflächen engagiert sich insbesondere die Abteilung Nanostrukturierte Materialien des Instituts Physikalische Chemie und Physik der Polymere.

»The engineering of nanostructures at interfaces and in thin films by using different approaches (from self organization and self assembly down to single molecule manipulation) is in the focus of our work. We are interested in the fundamental investigation of structure, dynamics and interaction leading to the formation of nanostructures by using physico-chemical methods and polymer physical approaches together with a comprehensive combination of advanced characterization techniques. The understanding of structure-property relations is used to tailor and control the functionality of the produced nanostructured interfaces and thin films for prospective applications, as sensors, organic displays or solar cells, in nano electronics, batteries, membranes or intelligent and stimuli responsive coatings and 3D objects. Furthermore we are interested in control, manipulation and fundamental investigation of interfacial interactions and activity of nanostructured interfaces and thin films.«

The department consists of several research groups

  • Intelligent surfaces with polymer brushes
  • Interactive stimuli responsive materials
  • Nanostructured semiconducting polymers
  • Blockcopolymer assemblies and their use for materials engineering
  • Functional membrans

which are supported in analytics by the Electron microscopy group, X-ray-lab and the Scanning Force Microscopy group.

Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.

Hohe Str. 6
01069 Dresden
Tel: +49 (0)351 4658 0
Fax: +49 (0)351 4658 214